Our LIFE without T.V.
Although I never watch T.V. I missed it the first two days, you know that feeling you get when you can no longer have something? AND now you want it more than ever? This feeling was short lived and by day three I was over my with drawl symptoms!
NOW HERE IS THE NEAT PART. I hate to admit this about myself but YES I was one of those mom's when I came home from work Riley would ask, "Can I watch Full House?" I would say, "Yes that will be good." She would go down and watch T.V and play in the family room until dinner was ready. I HAD TO CHANGE THIS, I WANT MY KIDS TO BE ACTIVE, I WANT MY KIDS TO PLAY, I WANT MY KIDS TO EXPERIENCE LIFE, NOT WATCH IT! I have seen a whole new kid in the last three weeks. The first few days was rough on Riley too. BUT we have enjoyed playing cards together, playing blocks,,,,did you know sneaking on mom and dad's bed and jumping little sister around is about the best fun you can have, well Riley sure thinks so. I have seen a happier child and more active child. It has been amazing. We still have our DVD player and thanks to the grandparents we about have a movie gallery so yes for bed time she can watch a short movie BUT no longer are we coming in and watching T.V. we are living life WITHOUT the daily routine of T.V.
Different strokes for different folks I know. I use to be addicted to the reality shows and ARMY WIVES, I LOVED T.V. but let me tell you, this might be one of the best decisions I have made in my life. Not to mention we will be saving a little over $1,000 a year...WOW another perk!
It was windy and cold this past weekend, I told Riley to bundle up and go outside and play. She agreed, there was no sneering, no whinning, no saying, "No I just want to watch T.V" she actually put on her boots and coat with hat and spent a lot of time outside.
I have had people tell me, "Your Family time is important don't get so busy making a living you forget to live." I agree with this on a certain level. I know I discuss our daily schedules and although busy, GUESS WHAT? Most of this time is with my girls. They are sitting at the table talking to me or playing around me while I paint, they paint with me, or they are in bed before I even start. Today when I got home we played. I don't mean I sat there and watched them, I played. Kids don't care if your having fun or not, they are having fun because you are actively doing something with them. We collected trash out of the yard (yea like I thought this was fun,,,,but we were on a treasure hunt) we got out the side walk chalk and made hearts and bear paws....rooooarrrr! Then came inside for left overs because it was already seven by the time we got done from our adventures! Then as we are getting ready for bed I told Riley, "Let's play CraZy Eights" We played a few games and laughed and talked about the day. While I am writing this blog, she is in her quiet time of watching a movie but I spent three quality hours with my girls today. The amount of TIME isn't that important in my book, it's quality. If you come home cook dinner, run here, run there, then settle down to watch T.V. read a book, or sit on the computer for 2 hours, how much quality time have you spent with your kids?
I would highly recommend trying this Life WITHOUT Television, especially if you have kids. No I don't feel T.V. is the devil, I don't feel like T.V. is to blame for all the bad in the world but what I do know is I have spent countless hours watching T.V. in my life. I can't help but think just how much I could have gotten done without it! Please share your questions or comments!
Just another day in the life of RiOak!